One-on-One Life and Business Coaching Services for Creatives
Do you think if you only could work a little harder, you'd have more money? Think that being burned out is temporary and will fix itself? Think that if you only had better clients you could do your most creative work? You are not alone. Most creative professionals get stuck like this, or hit some kind of road block at some point — I have many times after almost 30 years of being a graphic designer!
The most profitable decision I ever made was to hire a business coach. Turns out, not having enough money, being creatively burned out, and wishing for better clients were actually just symptoms of a bigger problem: I was getting in my own way! Through intensive work with my own coach, and hours of inner work on myself, I transformed my way of thinking, which improved the way I work, and consequently the way I live. If those problems sound familiar to you, I might be the coach for you. |